• When requesting the exchange or return, you must present the purchase invoice or order confirmation.
  • The maximum period to request the exchange or return of products will be 10 calendar days from the date of delivery of the product.
  • The product must be in perfect condition, in its original packaging, unused, unassembled, with all its accessories and packaging, manuals, if you have them. If the product shows signs of installation or use, it will not be eligible for exchanges or returns (Check warranty policy).
  • Products such as sinks or porcelain have no changes due to cracks, scratches or bumps, so it is recommended to check the product before receiving it and sign the delivery document.
  • To return accessory kits, the complete set must be sent and no exchanges will be made for individual parts. (Does not apply if the purchase was for a specific piece).
  • Products on sale for liquidation, do not apply for exchanges or returns.
  • Products with special color finishes, being personalized products, will not be accepted for exchanges or returns.
  • Shipping costs for returning the product will be borne by the user or the product can be taken to physical stores to make the exchange.
How to make the change?
  1. Contact us via email or the chat on the website, have the purchase and shipping information at hand. (After receiving the product you will have 10 calendar days to make the exchange or return).
  2. Send us the product in its original box with all packaging, components, hoses, screws, bolts, etc.
  3. Once we receive the product, we will verify the general condition, which should have no signs of installation or use, and then we will begin the money refund process.
  4. You can request a refund through a voucher to purchase in the store for the same value of the purchase or you can request a refund in the same payment method with which you made the purchase.
  5. If you want the money back, we will start a refund process. Keep in mind that the refund of the money will depend on the time it takes for the bank to make it effective.